
The inspiration of “Aleoria” brand came from twenty seven different symbols used in nautical charts.

Buoys and beacons that can be found in the surface of the sea and contribute greatly to safety of navigation, are the “leading actors” of our designs.

“Aleoria” anchored or allowed to drift by the whims of sea and wind, invite you to travel with them!

It’s high time we made the recommendations!

Tanker Mooring

Spherical Mooring buoy

Can buoy SPP

Conical Buoy of single colour: black


Beacon with topmark,
multiple colours in horizontal bands:the colour sequence
is from top to bottom


Can Mooring buoy

Special purpose buoy: Barge

Beacon with topmark colour radar reflector and designation

Buoy with multiple colours in vertical or diagonal stripes the darker colour is given first

Beacon with colour and topmark

Beacon tower of red colour and without topmark

Beacon or Buoy Isolated Danger Mark

Conical Buoy of single colour green

Mooring buoy

Beacon or buoy with topmark and multiple colours in vertical or diagonal stripes the darker colour

Beacon with colour no distinctive topmark

Beacon with topmark and multiple colours in horizontal bands the colour sequence is from top to bottom


Firing danger area (Danger Zone) buoy

Beacon on submerged rock with colours

Beacon tower with topmark of single colour green

Buoy of single colour other than green and black

Beacon with colour no distinctive topmark

Buoy with topmark of single colour other than green and black

Minor Light Floats

Mooring buoy

Beacon or buoy with topmark and multiple colours in horizontal bands the colour sequence is from top to bottom

Buoy with topmar colour radar reflector and designation

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